What facilities do I need to raise beef cattle?

Raising beef cattle can be done with minimal facilities. If they are kept outside, a good fence around the pasture will keep cattle contained and a run-in shed or stand of trees can serve as shade in summer and shelter in winter.

Feeder cattle can also be kept in a barn, be sure to check with extension or NRCS for space requirements depending on your situation.

In addition, it is important to have an area where animals can be contained and treated for health or emergency reasons. This is best done through the use of a corral and chute system which will restrain the animals for treatment.

What is the gestation period of a beef cow?

The average gestation period for a cow is 283 days, or just over 9 months.

How do I keep my cattle healthy?

Work with a team of experts that includes a nutritionist and veterinarian to develop a plan for feeding and vaccinating your animals.

How do I prepare my calves to sell?

There are several steps that pay off when selling feeder calves. Calves should be identified through an ear tag, dewormed, and receive a basic set of

vaccinations.Additionally, it is recommended that calves are backgrounded (introduced to bunk feed) for 30-45 days before selling. Bulls should be castrated and any calves with horns should be dehorned.

Where do I market my calves?

Calves can be sold through the local livestock auction, to other producers for breeding animals, or directly to a feedlot or backgrounding operation.

​Many producers also choose to direct market beef to consumers either through the sale of whole, halves or quarters or by obtaining the proper retail licenses to sell individual cuts.

How much weight will my animal gain each day?

The average daily gain depends on age, diet, environment and other factors. The overall average rate of gain will generally be around 3 lbs/day.

How much beef will I get from my animal?

The amount of beef varies with factors such as the size of the calf, breed, and body composition. Most beef breeds will finish out from 1,200-1,400 lbs., of which approximately 50% will become retail beef products.

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