Terms for Quality Foods You Should Be Aware Of

Most people realize that to feel better, they have to eat better, too. Unfortunately, food purchased from a grocery store doesn’t always cut it. To understand whether you are buying quality foods, there are some terms you need to be aware of.

  • Antibiotic-free. When an animal is raised “antibiotic-free,” antibiotic substances are not used to enhance their size or production ability artificially. Suppose an animal needs an antibiotic to treat a disease. In that case, there is usually a required period before they can be slaughtered to ensure that there are no antibiotics in their meat.
  • Cage-free. An animal is raised “cage-free” when they live uncaged, usually in a barn or another type of enclosed area. To gain this designation, the animals must be able to roam and have unlimited access to water and food.
  • Free range. This term typically applies to meat or poultry. When an animal is free-range, this means that they have had some access to the outdoors.
  • Grass-fed. Animals that are grass-fed are usually allowed to graze in a pasture to obtain their nutrients. Unlike grain-fed animals, grass-fed ones typically produce healthier, leaner, and more flavorful meat.

When you are shopping for quality foods, try to find products where the animals are antibiotic-free, cage-free, free-range, or pasture-raised.

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